• en Zweefduik


The website of Medusa Media Usage Advice BV offers information to visitors about the products and services of Medusa and related topics. No rights can be derived from the information. The information may contain inaccuracies or typos.

Medusa Media Usage Advice BV can make changes to the website at any time and does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information provided. It does not accept any obligation to update the information provided or to correct possible errors, nor does Medusa Media Usage Advice BV guarantee that this website will function without error or interruption.

Medusa Media Usage Advice BV believes that careful handling of personal data of users is of great importance. With regard to the processing of this data, Medusa Usage Media Advice BV acts in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

Use of personal data

Personal data provided to Medusa via this website will not be made available to third parties. If the provider of the personal data has indicated this, this data will not be used for sending information about products and services from Medusa. Dutch law applies to this website.

Media Usage Advice BV provides services to companies, not to private individuals. The only personal data we use are the contact details of your company's contact persons. We use this information to perform our work for your company. Unless the contact person in question has informed us that he / she does not appreciate this, we will also use his / her personal data to inform your company about our company's products and services. The relevant contact details enable us to approach your company with, and interest in, products and services tailored to your company.

Third parties
Medusa Media Usage Advice BV will NEVER release, sell or rent privacy information from customers to other parties without your consent.

You can consult the website of Medusa Usage Media Advice BV anonymously. We are not interested in names or other information that says anything about the identity of the visitors to this site. Of course we are interested in the normal statistical data that is important for improving the functionality of the website, for example the number of visitors, the quiet and busy hours and the like. In order to adapt the facilities and functions to the user's equipment, we also keep a record of the type of browser the web page is accessed from.

We reserve the right to adjust our privacy policy. We will inform you of fundamental changes by means of a notice on our website. Changes will be published on this page.


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